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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-21291

NPL - Creation of the new NPL User Interface

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    • Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Medium
    • None
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    • NPL
    • None
    • NPL - Creation of the new NPL User Interface
    • Non-GxP
    • A


      Business Context 

      Following the ask of a hybrid model where NPL PMO can decide to manage NPL projects in either DLPP or PCM, the hosting of the NPL data in the current PCM UI no longer fulfills the requirement for a flexible project planning environment.


      Suggestion is to create a dedicated NPL space in Supply IQ, disconnected from PCM functionalities. From a user interface standpoint, the screen will be divided into 3 parts:

      • a generic tracker table holding the list of all NPL projects, whether SIQ or DLPP managed
      • a project attributes section (specific to a chosen NPL project)
      • a launch timeline management area with a simplified project plan and gantt charting area


      Data connectivity

      Main feed of the orginating records (list of launches by product and country) will be coming from the NPL CDM model (from DR/DLPP)

      All projects will be shown into Supply IQ (the indication of PMO platform chosen will be taking place in DR)

      • SIQ managed projects will be managed in Supply IQ and have their timeline and notes documented there and sent back to the CDM
      • DLPP managed projects will be managed in DLLP but displayed as read only in Supply IQ

      While new project entries will originate from DR, projects plan data will be generated by DLPP or SIQ. An initial mass upload effort will be required to bring over the NPL history from PCM into the new adopted data format.


      Please see design requirements in enclosed ppt file.


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              ESPAGJ Espagnet, Julien
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

