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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-20701

Shipments - Cancel TLB

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    • Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Medium
    • 12.1
    • None
    • S2O
    • None
    • Non-GxP
    • S2O Sprint 38
    • Yes


      As a production planner, I need the ability to create/edit shipments manually in SIQ.


      Create/edit shipment in SIQ. As a production planner, I need the ability to create/edit shipments manually in SIQ. For exceptional scenario system is unable to close the shipment. Its time consuming in current system as its manual process. Need to enable this in user interface.


      rationale : Time consuming and Shipments hanging to close the orders and impacting the business.


       benefit : Exceptional scenario will be handled and more tickets need not require to create by the user.
      So What, if deferred?
      What is the consequence if this change cannot be supported and must be deferred?
      1. There will be dependencies on support team to fix it
      2. Until the shipment will be updated the order status will be open which gives incorrect order status.


      List of actions:

      • Create shipment
      • Edit Shipment
      • Flag as partial
      • Flag as final
      • Update status (Ready To Ship, In Transit, Received)
      • Cancel TLB


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              KUMAP314 Das, Pradeep Kumar
              HARPEJ12 Harper, Jack
              nGPS S2O - Supply Two Order (Pfizer int.)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue

