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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-16084

TC EXEC - AFW - Refine the Call To Action in the AFW workflow

Insert Lucidchart DiagramSend email


    • Task
    • Resolution: Completed
    • Blocker
    • None
    • None
    • SR


      Problem Statement

      Current AFW workflow functions in such a way that when the AFW is sent out for approval, all stakeholder receive the email at the same time.

      Nevertheless the approval is sequential. L0 approvers needs to approve first, then L1 approver, then L2 approver...etc

      Today as all stakeholder receive the email at the same time, a L1 or L2 approved is tempted to hit the link in the email but then lands on the AFW wihtout coming accross the "APPROVE or SIGN" button

      This is causing confusion and users then raise tickets thinking the system is not functional.

      Idea of this change is to make the email sending also sequential and triggered based on the previous approver having signed off the AFW.

      Please see email enclosed.

      Acceptance Criteria

      • "Approve / Sign" buttons appears against each approver required to approve the AFW
        • button appears in green if the user has already approved
        • button appears in blue if the user is called for action to approve
        • button appears in grey if it is not yet the user's turn to approve


      • When AFW is sent for approval by the initiator, only L0 approvers  + Market Planner + AMP Planner receive the email
      • In case of multiple L0 approvers required, they both receive the email and can approve in paralell, not sequentially
      • L1 level approvers do not receive the email until all the L0 approvers have signed off the AFW
      • Once all L1 approvers have received the email and all signed off the AFW, then only the L3 approvers can receive the email....
      • Initiator + AMP Planner + Market planner receives each email along the approval sequences (for tracking purposes)

      This way each approver receives the call to action at the right time and has clear visibility is they can action immediately or if pending action from a lower level approver


        1. OS-16084-Testing-1.png
          113 kB
          Nandini, Saroj [X]
        2. OS-16084-Testing-2_Mailfor L0.png
          133 kB
          Nandini, Saroj [X]
        3. OS-16084-Testing-3.docx
          499 kB
          Nandini, Saroj [X]
        4. RE_ IM43678687 - Supply IQ issue no AFW approve button visible - AFW 705.msg
          518 kB
          Gupta, Kshitiz

        Issue Links



              NANDIS20 Nandini, Saroj [X] (Inactive)
              ESPAGJ Espagnet, Julien
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue



                Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - 1 day, 4 hours
                  1d 4h
                  Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                  Time Spent - 2 hours Time Not Required