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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-15059

Accord Program - Integration into PCM & AFW modules

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    • Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Medium
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    • AE, CM
    • None
    • Accord Program - Integration into PCM & AFW modules
    • GxP
    • A


      Accord program aims at supplying medicines to low income countries at manufacturing costs. This process will offer sku's from the entire company portfolio for a set of countries to which Pfizer may not always have existing presence or entities.


      Accord program is managed through a specific team and its regulatory management and supply management will differ slightly from the regular standard process. Accord program is requesting amendments to the Supply IQ platform to support:


      • The regulatory tracking process: PCM module will require some modification to help support the tracking of the regulatory waivers in the receiving countries. Receiving countries may not file a full product submission to their BOH but rather request "waiver" for the use of existing stock / sku from other countries where the product is already being supplied (mostly form US and EUROPE). Changes will be similar to what was previously done for Global Health Partnerships


      • The supply at risk process: while countries will raise expression of interest into purchasing specific products from Pfizer, the Accord program will support purchasing at risk for the Accord produts. While the process will be similar to a regular AFW for market FG, all Accord AFWs will be routed through a single pool of approvers regardless of the origin site and destination market.





            Unassigned Unassigned
            ESPAGJ Espagnet, Julien
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