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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-8456

Create entity that holds material-location pairs calculations from Final Prediction table

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    • Task
    • Resolution: Completed
    • Medium
    • None
    • None
    • Sustainability
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    • A


      Create temporary table that holds all the calculation for all the rows with a pair of material-location (grouped).
      In the first step, all

      • SALES_del_mean_4 - Change in Sales in 2 consecutive set of 4 weeks before anchor -
      • sales_dmd_diff_del_mean_4 - Change in mean of sales and demand difference in 2 consecutive set of 4 weeks before anchor
      • SALES_max_8 - Max sales in 8 weeks before anchor
      • sales_dmd_diff_max_8 - max of sales and demand difference
      • SALES_mean_8 - mean sales in 8 weeks before anchor
      • sales_dmd_diff_mean_8 mean sales and demand diff in 8 weeks before anchor
      • SALES_std_8 deviation in sales over 8 weeks before anchor
      • sales_dmd_diff_std_8 deviation in sales and demand difference over 8 weeks before anchor
      • SALES_AGG_DAILY Daily sales aggregated over anchor week
      • REAL_SR_count_8 Number of SR happened in 8 weeks before anchor
      • REAL_SR_del_count_4 Change in real sr count in 2 consecutive set of 4 weeks before anchor
      • ADV003_count_8 Advice count in 8 weeks before anchor
      • ADV032_count_8
      • ADV037_count_8
      • ADV035_count_8
      • ADV042_count_8
      • ADV003_del_count_4 Change in advice count in 2 consecutive set of 4 weeks before anchor
      • ADV032_del_count_4
      • ADV037_del_count_4
      • ADV035_del_count_4
      • ADV042_del_count_4
      • AMPCommentCount_mean_8 comment count in 8 weeks before anchor
      • AMPCommentCount_max_8 max of comment count
      • AMPCommentCount_del_mean_4 Change in comment count in 2 consecutive set of 4 weeks before anchor
      • AMPCommentCount_std_8 deviation in comment count over 8 weeks before anchor
      • DemandPower Buisness logic to create demand power
      • SupplyPower Buisness logic to create supply power
      • FCError_On_Lag3_Forecast Forecast change error on lag3 forecasts
      • AC% Alert change %
      • DC% Demand change %
      • FC% Forecast change %
      • SP% Supply Power %
      • PPS
      • ForecastClass
      • Region




            STUPAR02 Stupakowski, Rafal
            STUPAR02 Stupakowski, Rafal
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