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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-4266

UI Related Fixes for PCM

Insert Lucidchart DiagramSend email


    • Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Medium
    • 2.6
    • None
    • RP
    • None


      1. Record needs to be added on top bar (After the grid view) - Completed
      2. Gap between section on the top widget section - Completed
      3. Extend UF1 and UF2 field in Data Section - Completed
      4. All the sub headers need a font increase (Left alignment) - Completed
      5. Alignment of Sub headers and font size to be standardize - Completed
      6. In the regulatory information box, the Submission dates (base and actual) must appear next to each other or one below the other for better user experience  (Make this into 1 line) -Completed
      7. In the regulatory information box, the Approval dates (base and actual) must appear next to each other or one below the other for better user experience (Make this into 1 line) -Completed
      8. Write full forms - Submission and Actual -Completed
      9. In the PAR box, the different dates - PAR Init Act, AW appr base, AW appr act must appear next to each other or one below the other for improved user experience (AW Approval Actual and AW Approval Base)
      10. Tool tip when hovering over LOCD Brief Description is not visible on the screen. This has to be rectified  -Completed
      11. In the PCM Inbox, the size of the section that is displaying the bar chart is not scaled appropriately. The alignment and scale (size) must be updated - Completed
      12. The pie chart for mandatory fields can be scaled down as there is a lot of vacant space in this section. All charts must be centrally positioned  - Completed
      13. User field 1 and User field 2 - should be there in comments section - not available currently 
      14. User field 1 and user field 2 not available in dates section
      15. In the “Forecast & Stock Build” box, can we make the “Stock Build Qty” cell the same size as other cells and move the Qty button to the right (Check condition and then change)
      16. Suggesting a few things to make the “PCM Event Tracker” space looka little more like the other sections, and gain some space back….”Title + PCM Inbox + Action Buttons + Personalized View Buttons + Grid View Button” can all live on the same line (see screenshot 5)  
        # Line gained by moving “PCM Event Tracker” and “PCM Inbox” buttons can be used to extend the space of the tracker itself to show more events (see screenshot 5)  ** 
        # Standardize font size across the module 
        # Bring Date Header line - into one line 




            BABUP07 Babu, Pavithran
            RKAMAR R Kamath, Rahul
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue



              Time Tracking

                Original Estimate - 4 days
                Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                Time Spent - 4 days