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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-21302

NPL - Capture of Actuals Dates, Step status calculation

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    • Story
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Medium
    • 12.2
    • None
    • NPL
    • None


      Problem Statement

      Once the standard plan is generated by Supply IQ, PMO will update some of the start and/or end dates of specific tasks to finetune their timeline. Further to that, as time passes, some of the tasks will be completed and actual date will be automatically captured:

      • either automatically and fed through the CDM
      • or capture manually by the PMO

      Based on the recording of the task actual dates, there will be a need to:

      • show the actual date on the gantt
      • recalculate the downstream milestones that have not yet been completed and still pending an actual date


      Acceptance Criteria

      We can envision 3 kind of situations (please see below 3 illustrations):

      • the actual date is in the same weekly bucket as the task end date: if so the actual date can be represented by a losange and the task is labelled with "On Time" status. There is no impact/need to recalculate the cascading steps start and end dates
      • the actual date takes place earlier than the task end date: if so the actual date is represented by a losange, the calculated task end date is still shown as a dot, the weekly buckets between the losange and dot are colored in light green background, the task is labelled with "Early" status. The cascading task need to have their start and end dates recalculated, assuming they can start sooner. The Actual date recorded becomes the start date of the following task, the rest of the standard calculation applies.
      • the actual date takes place later than the task end date: if so the actual date is represented by a losange, the calculated task end date is still shown as a dot, the weekly buckets between the losange and dot are colored in light red/orange background, the task is labelled with "Delayed" status: The cascading task need to have their start and end dates recalculated, assuming they will start later than anticipated. The Actual date recorded becomes the start date of the following task, the rest of the standard calculation applies.


      Actual end date is either fed from the CDM or the user entry. If done by user entry, the cell is to be enabled with specific color border and corresponding tooltip (mentioning value overriden by the user)

      If an actual end date is coming from the CDM, it should overwrite any previous user entry and make the field uneditable, to avoid user overrriding a real date coming from the system

      The recording of an actual date only effect the cascade recalculation downward (only for following steps, not for previous steps)







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              JAYPRB Jayprakash Tapadiya, Bhagyashri
              ESPAGJ Espagnet, Julien
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              1 Start watching this issue

