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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-20665

Rel11.1 - Reg - LM - 'Actual Arrival at Market' field is highlighted even though user has not overwritten the value. Also, Estimated arrival at LSP column is displayed twice

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    • Bug
    • Resolution: Completed
    • Low
    • 11.1
    • None
    • AE
    • stage

    • AE Sprint 143
    • code issue
    • Code
    • Hide
      Given: AMP Planner, Market Planner, Quality user has logged in, navigated to LM homepage & selected SKU from alert overview
      When: User selects Column ' Actual arrival at LSP' and do not enter any value
      Then: column should not be highlighted in orange border.
      Given: AMP Planner, Market Planner, Quality user has logged in, navigated to LM homepage & selected SKU from alert overview When: User selects Column ' Actual arrival at LSP' and do not enter any value Then: column should not be highlighted in orange border.


      Issue 1: 'Actual Arrival at Market' field is highlighted even though user has not overwritten the value.

      1. Login to SIQ as AMP planner, Market Planner or Quality user
      2. navigate to LM page
      3. click on filter and select a SKU from alert overview
      4. Select column 'Actual Arrival at LSP' from column list
      5. click on the field but do not enter any value and tab out

      Expected: field should not be highlighted in orange

      Actual: field is highlighted in orange. refer attached snapshot (LM-Actual Arrival date - not populated.PNG)

      Issue 2: Estimated arrival at LSP column is displayed twice

      1. Login to SIQ as AMP planner, Market Planner or Quality user
      2. Navigate to LM page
      3. Click on filter and select a SKU from alert overview
      4. Navigate to LM batch details table and verify column 'Estimated arrival at LSP'

      Expected: Column should be available in the table

      Actual: Column is displayed twice. refer attached snapshot (LM-Estimated arrival at LSP.png)




            BONDUR Bondugula, Raju
            SRINIK18 Srinivasan, Kowsalya
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