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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-15599

WCP Outlook widget

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    • Story
    • Resolution: Completed
    • Medium
    • 10.0
    • None
    • IO
    • None
    • GxP
    • IO Sprint 131, IO Sprint 132, IO Sprint 133, IO Sprint 134, IO Sprint 135
    • Yes


      As an IO user, I want to view Warehouse capacity planning outlook widget on the bottom left so that I can view details on the LSPs related capacity for the next 18 months.

      Description: A new widget on the bottom that shows the provider, LSP, temp range and quarter wise inventory capacity has to be added. Clicking on the LSP should open WCP module with pre filters applied for those LSPs. Hovering over one of the quarter wise data will show the max capacity and operating capacity for that LSP. An i button next to the LSPs should be present, clicking on which will show the list of warehouse under each LSP. Download extract option should be present to get extracts of SKUs with incoming, outgoing inventory and current inventory,

      In the quarter wise view, the inventory should be highlighted by different colors based on the following criteria:

      1. If the inventory is vbelow the operating capacity, it should be shown as green
      2. If the inventory is above operating capacity and below max capacity, then it should be shown as orange.
      3. If the inventory is equal and above max capacity, then it should be red.

      The value shown in the quarter box should be maximum of the three months and the coloring should be based on the maximum inventory of the three months.

      Add (symbol C) to the temperature column

      Add hover showing the operating capacity for each LSP

      Bifurcation of warehouse locations into LSP when clicking on the i button

      Opening of WCP with filters

      Excel export

      Given The user is in Logisitics Network Planning

      When The user applies filters

      Then The user is able to view the WCP Outlook Widget


        1. screenshot-2.png
          27 kB
        2. screenshot-1.png
          200 kB
        3. image (1).png
          image (1).png
          230 kB

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              AKEMPU K, Uma [X] (Inactive)
              ASHOKS13 Ashok Nair, Shyam
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue



                Time Tracking

                  Original Estimate - Not Specified
                  Not Specified
                  Remaining Estimate - 0 minutes
                  Time Spent - 2 days