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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-14651

US-104 ES PO Creation for S2O Firmed order and NOR

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    • Resolution: Completed
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      Lead time:
      -Demonstrate that the PO auto-created for a firmed order at the market has the delivery date calculated based on the 'market availability date - (market GRPT+EETT+ES Plant GIPT+ES Plant GRPT+ES Plant Planning TF)'.
      -Demonstrate that the PO auto-created for a firmed order for a new order request at the market has the delivery date calculated based on the 'market availability date - (market GRPT+EETT+ES Plant GIPT+ES Plant GRPT+ES Plant Planning TF)'

      2. PO and S2O firm order link:
      -Demonstrate that the auto-created POs for approved S2O New order requests have the corresponding S2O firm order number on the PO on ECC on the field 'Your Reference'.
      -Demonstrate that the ES PO Number is visible against the corresponding S2O firmed order number in the S2O monitor on SIQ and the planning sheet on the market location in RR.
      -Demonstrate that the market S2O firmed order number corresponding to the ES PO is visible against the PO on the ES plant in the planning sheet in RR.
      Lead time: -Demonstrate that the PO auto-created for a firmed order at the market has the delivery date calculated based on the 'market availability date - (market GRPT+EETT+ES Plant GIPT+ES Plant GRPT+ES Plant Planning TF)'. -Demonstrate that the PO auto-created for a firmed order for a new order request at the market has the delivery date calculated based on the 'market availability date - (market GRPT+EETT+ES Plant GIPT+ES Plant GRPT+ES Plant Planning TF)' 2. PO and S2O firm order link: -Demonstrate that the auto-created POs for approved S2O New order requests have the corresponding S2O firm order number on the PO on ECC on the field 'Your Reference'. -Demonstrate that the ES PO Number is visible against the corresponding S2O firmed order number in the S2O monitor on SIQ and the planning sheet on the market location in RR. -Demonstrate that the market S2O firmed order number corresponding to the ES PO is visible against the PO on the ES plant in the planning sheet in RR.
    • Yes


      As a ES planner, I expect that for any S2O firm order being created at the destination location, the corresponding PO with the link to the S2O Order/firmed demand should be created in SAP ECC and the link between the S2O Firmed demand should be visible in the planning system. Same is required for any New Order Requests(NOR) submitted by the markets.
      The PO should be created with a delivery date considering the offsets starting from the market availability date - (market GRPT+EETT(lead time)-ES Plant GIPT(Pre-Ship LT)+ES Plant GRPT(Dock to Stock)+ES Plant Planning TF(PTF))


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              KELMM Kelm, Magdalena [X] (Inactive)
              nGPS S2O - Supply Two Order (Pfizer int.)
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