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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-14646

US-102 Flex Routing assignment upon S2O PO creation

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    • Resolution: Completed
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    • 9.4
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    • S2O
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    • S2O Sprint 24
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      Forecast converted to firmed order:
      1)Demonstrate auto-PO creation on the ES plant in SAP ECC when a S2O forecast is converted to a firmed order on the market location.
      2)Demonstrate for a material on an ES instock in routing supplied further to an S2O market by instock out Flex routing, that the PO is created on the ES plant with the correct instock in Flex routing assigned when the S2O firmed order at the market is created.
      3)Demonstrate for a material on an ES tranship Flex routing to a market, that the PO is created on the ES plant with the correct instock tranship Flex routing assignment when the S2O firmed order at the market is created.

      New order request:
      1)Demonstrate auto-PO creation on the ES plant in SAP ECC when a new order request from an S2O market is accepted and a firmed order is created on the market location.
      2)Demonstrate for a material on an ES instock in Flex routing supplied further to an S2O market by instock out flex routing, that the PO for a new order request is created on the ES plant with the correct instock in Flex routing assigned when the S2O firmed order at the market is created.
      3)Demonstrate for a material on an ES tranship Flex routing to a market, that the PO is created on the ES plant with the correct instock tranship Flex routing assignment when a new order request is accepted.
      Forecast converted to firmed order: 1)Demonstrate auto-PO creation on the ES plant in SAP ECC when a S2O forecast is converted to a firmed order on the market location. 2)Demonstrate for a material on an ES instock in routing supplied further to an S2O market by instock out Flex routing, that the PO is created on the ES plant with the correct instock in Flex routing assigned when the S2O firmed order at the market is created. 3)Demonstrate for a material on an ES tranship Flex routing to a market, that the PO is created on the ES plant with the correct instock tranship Flex routing assignment when the S2O firmed order at the market is created. New order request: 1)Demonstrate auto-PO creation on the ES plant in SAP ECC when a new order request from an S2O market is accepted and a firmed order is created on the market location. 2)Demonstrate for a material on an ES instock in Flex routing supplied further to an S2O market by instock out flex routing, that the PO for a new order request is created on the ES plant with the correct instock in Flex routing assigned when the S2O firmed order at the market is created. 3)Demonstrate for a material on an ES tranship Flex routing to a market, that the PO is created on the ES plant with the correct instock tranship Flex routing assignment when a new order request is accepted.
    • Yes


      As an ES Planner, I expect that any POs created in SAP ECC for S2O firmed order demand should have the appropriate Flex routing assigned depending upon the physical flow i.e. in-stock in or tranship.


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              VGG Vg, Geervani
              KELMM Kelm, Magdalena [X] (Inactive)
              nGPS S2O - Supply Two Order (Pfizer int.)
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