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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-12440

Add MOT Simulation Graph - Sustainability Impact Overview

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    • Story
    • Resolution: Completed
    • Medium
    • 10.1
    • None
    • IO
    • GxP
    • IO Sprint 137, IO Sprint 138
    • Yes


      As an IO user, I would like to see a graph added in MOT Simulation screen called as Sustainability Impact Overview so that I can view the impact on air, ocean, road and all MOT emissions based on the changes to the assumptions that I make in the table below when I click on the simulate button on bottom left or save the assumptions.

      Description: A graph to be added in a separate tab called as Sustainability Impact Overview in the MOT Simulation screen next to the Logistics Impact Overview. Emissions should be shown similar to the format of Logistics Impact OVerview grpah with focus on previous year, current year and planning period (w/o and with assumptions, simulation). The emissions based on MOT has to be stacked in the same bar graph for each category of year. 

      The graphs will refresh only when the simulate  or save button is clicked on.

      When the user does changes to a particular budget version by making changes to the table below and clicks on the simulate button, the graph should load indicating the impact on the emissions. 

      Given User is in Logistics Persona

      When User opens MOT Simulation screen

      Then User should be able to view MOT Sustainability Impact Overview simulation graphs in the screen and view the changes when he/she clicks on the simulate/save button


        1. screenshot-1.png
          20 kB
          Ashok Nair, Shyam

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              KANDHV01 Kandhasamy Pandian, Velmurugan
              ASHOKS13 Ashok Nair, Shyam
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

