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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-11881

Creation of New SPA Item | Mandatory Cells to be filled | Add Created by Column (Hidden)

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    • Story
    • Resolution: Completed
    • Medium
    • 7.1
    • None
    • CM
    • None
    • Non-GxP
    • CM Sprint 112, CM Sprint 113
    • Hide
      Given: User is on SPA main page
      When: User clicks on add initiative and fills in all mandatory fields
      Then: The bottom section gets enabled and can be filled in by user
      Given: User is on SPA main page When: User clicks on add initiative and fills in all mandatory fields Then: The bottom section gets enabled and can be filled in by user
    • Yes


      Description: Add Initiative button to create a new line in AG grid with 10 mandatory cells clearly colored with yellow

      Once user fills data in all 10 fields, then the new initiative is finalized and bottom tabs get refreshed - and user can the fill information in the tabs (3 tabs)

      Given: User is on SPA main page

      When: User clicks on add initiative and fills in all mandatory fields

      Then: The bottom section gets enabled and can be filled in by user


      Link the new SPA item with the bottom section. Also old SPA item when clicked will open the details in the bottom tab


      Add new column (hidden) - created by and record the name of the person who the created the new SPA


        1. SPA Initiative.docx
          9.34 MB
        2. OS-11881.docx
          2.43 MB

        Issue Links



              MANIAA04 Maniapillai, Arun
              RKAMAR R Kamath, Rahul
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

