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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-11617

validate data discripencies in final_preiction_latest

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    • Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Blocker
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    • A


      updated on 8th May, 2023-


      priority 1–> 8th May

      priority 2–> 8th May

      FC% have 396340 different rows 

      SP% have 364545 different rows

      AC% have 396340 different rows

      DC% have 396340 different rows

      SC% have 396340 different rows

      DemandPower have 253848 different rows

      SupplyPower have 364545 different rows

      FCError_On_Lag3_Forecast have 2450 different rows

      AMPCommentCount have 1646 different rows --2

      MSA_PCT have 534401 different rows  --Ignore

      SALES_AGG_DAILY have 591177 different rows

      COUNTRY have 16059 different rows  --2

      SEGMENT have 104967 different rows  --2

      AMPPLAMMER have 365790 different rows  --2

      Manufacturing location have 105722 different rows --2

      SOURCE have 15581 different rows --2

      ForecastClass have 8222 different rows --2

      Region have 84683 different rows --2 (may have mismatches with source, we may ignore)

      PPS have 243349 different rows --2

      STD_PROD_LTA_1_MNTH have 19460 different rows  --3

      STD_PROD_LTA_2_MNTH have 34646 different rows  --3

      STD_PROD_LTA_3_MNTH have 49315 different rows  --3

      STD_PROD_LTA_4_MNTH have 51990 different rows  --3

      STD_PROD_LTA_5_MNTH have 51783 different rows  --3

      AVG_PROD_LTA_1_MNTH have 19775 different rows  --3

      AVG_PROD_LTA_2_MNTH have 35598 different rows  --3

      AVG_PROD_LTA_3_MNTH have 50964 different rows  --3

      AVG_PROD_LTA_4_MNTH have 53854 different rows  --3

      AVG_PROD_LTA_5_MNTH have 53716 different rows  --3

      STD_MKT_QA_1_MNTH have 8458 different rows  --3

      STD_MKT_QA_2_MNTH have 10798 different rows  --3

      STD_MKT_QA_3_MNTH have 11431 different rows  --3

      STD_MKT_QA_4_MNTH have 11517 different rows  --3

      STD_MKT_QA_5_MNTH have 11187 different rows  --3

      AVG_MKT_QA_1_MNTH have 8570 different rows  --3

      AVG_MKT_QA_2_MNTH have 10979 different rows  --3

      AVG_MKT_QA_3_MNTH have 11597 different rows  --3

      AVG_MKT_QA_4_MNTH have 11650 different rows  --3

      AVG_MKT_QA_5_MNTH have 11309 different rows  --3

      REAL_SR have 12041 different rows   {}{}1

      REAL_SO_SCM have 849 different rows  {}{}1

      REAL_SR_SCM have 34701 different rows  {}{}1


      -----------{}{}check manu loc with source-------

      select count (1)
      oscar.web.sr_alert (nolock)old inner join FINAL_PREDICTION_LATEST(nolock) new on old.material=new.material
      and old.location=new.location
      and old.version=new.week
      where isnull(old.[Manufacturing location],'')<>isnull(new.[Manufacturing location],'')
      and old.horizon=1


      -----101694 differences


      ------  9th May --

      Rafal updated priority 1 and items are done 2 

      Rafal updated started on priority 3

      sales_agg daily not matching with source and final{_}prediction, Rafal to check -

      select top 100  new.SALES_AGG_DAILY,old.SALES_AGG_DAILY,new.material,new.location,old.week
      final_prediction (nolock)old inner join FINAL_PREDICTION_LATEST(nolock) new on old.material=new.material
      and old.location=new.location
      and old.week=new.week
      where isnull(old.SALES_AGG_DAILY,0)<>isnull(new.SALES_AGG_DAILY,0)
      and new.week='2022-07-04' and old.week='2022-07-04'
      and old.material='F000043102'  and new.material='F000043102' 
      --order by old.week desc

      select  actual_delivery_quantity,* from imp_HANA_SalesDelivery_int where material='F000043102' and plantcountry='brazil' and CAST(goods_issue_date AS DATE)>='2022-07-04'
      AND CAST(goods_issue_date AS DATE)<DATEADD(WEEK,1,'2022-07-04') AND  delivery_type = 'ZDL'




            STUPAR02 Stupakowski, Rafal
            CHATTC02 Chatterjee, Chanakya
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

