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  1. OSCAR
  2. OS-11234

UI - Net Requirements

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    • Story
    • Resolution: Completed
    • Medium
    • 7.3
    • None
    • S2O
    • None
    • GxP
    • S2O Sprint 2
    • Yes


      As a S2O user, I need the ability to view the S2O net requirements and Shipments in the list format (similar to the APO product view).

      This view ill be the start point of any action I will take on S2O net requirement.


      As a S2O user, I need the ability to see the following columns in the grid displaying the S2O Net Requirements and Shipments:

      Label Value (Example)
      S2O order number LOC0006305
      Record type F/O/S
      Product H000006435
      Destination VTRSEG01
      Supplier BE52 PFEVSG03
      Created By CHATTA22
      Created on 06/09/2021
      Created on 13:35:24
      Changed by CHATTA22
      Changed on 06/15/2021
      Changed on 06:28:50
      Need By Date 06/24/2021
      ECC PO # 4500001234
      Order Quantity 200
      Scenario EPBSM-1
      Customer PO # 1234567899
      Requested Quantity 0
      Requested Need by date  
      FTS1 Calculated 0
      FTS2 Calculated 0
      FTS Actual  
      FTS reason  
      Original Quantity 200
      Original Date 06/24/2021
      FTS1 Processed 0/1
      FTS2 Processed 0/1
      Cust Cust PO # CUSTPO123
      OTIF exemption code  
      OTIF exemption description  

      I also need to see the following calculated columns:

      Label Calculated Value
      Ready to ship qty ∑ ship qty (status ready to ship)
      In transit quantity ∑ ship qty (status in transit)
      Received quantity ∑ ship qty (status received)
      Total Shipped quantity Ready to ship + in transit + received
      Balance quantity Total quantity – shipped quantity
      •Never negative
      •If F ship à bal 0
      End production date Ship by date – release time (APO GIPT)
      Ship by date Arrival date – transport duration
      Arrival date Need by date – release time at destination (APO GRPT)
      FTS1 Calculated by a job (to be discussed later)
      FTS2 Calculated by a job (to be discussed later)
      Order Status Set by actions taken during life of the net requirement


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              KUMAP314 Das, Pradeep Kumar
              KHANS167 Khan, Sufiya
              nGPS S2O - Supply Two Order (Pfizer int.)
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue

